Friday, May 17, 2013

A blog about not blogging

So here’s the thing… blogging is stressful. I always have so much to say, but probably not the things worth writing about. I’m always talking, but about things that make people nod their head in agreement while mentally preparing their grocery list or trying to remember whether or not they turned the coffee pot off this morning before they left the house. I can tell when people aren’t paying attention to me (you’re not fooling anybody!) but I just can’t stop talking. So that’s why I find blogging so stressful. I have to talk about something meaningful... unless you want to hear me ranting about never being about to keep the towels clean. I mean, really... washing towels is a never-ending process. I’m one towel away from resorting to my beach towels because I am really over washing towels.

My mother swears that I have more to blog about. She thinks I’m a creative genius and that I should be blogging everyday about my regular ordinary life and every meal I cook. I am not someone who can just whip something up. I am also not someone who follows a recipe well. I will only be blogging about meals when I’ve stumbled onto something amazing.

If I were to be blogging about my everyday life, I’d be blogging about how I hit snooze 8 times, was late to work, was exhausted when I got off work, washed towels when I got home (towels!), played with my daughter for a few minutes before I decided that I wasn’t going to be the creative genius my mom think I am and that I’d promised my husband I would be with dinner and opt for chicken fries with your choice of dipping sauce, argued about who gets to give Lindsey her bath and went to bed with the promise of repeating it all again the next day.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my life this way. We’re boring and I happen to be perfectly content with boring.

I want to blog every day... I just don’t have enough material in my life to blog about. I’m still hoping to win the lottery so I can become a stay-at-home mom with a clean and organized house and dinner on the table by 5:30 every night. When that happens, I will have more interesting things to tell you about. But first, I need to start playing the lottery.

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